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12-year-old calls the police after being served a salad by their parent

A 12-year-old Canadian boy picked up the phone and dialed 911 to lounge a complaint after his parents gave him and his siblings a sizeable serving of salad for lunch. Disclosing this via a statement, the Halifax District Royal Canadian Mounted Police, authorities report that the incident happened on Tuesday in Nova Scotia. The boy is said to have called the police twice after being served a salad by a parent, which wasn't to their liking. Police did respond to the call and although they were happy to talk to the child about their dislike of the food, they chose to highlight the importance of not misusing the emergency services. In the statement, Dal Hutchinson says: “While many can relate to the dislike of a salad at times, this raises a more important issue that warrants discussion at all ages. The improper use of 911 is an issue with all age groups and it ties up valuable resources, preventing emergency first responders from dealing with real emergencies.”

Eating Cancer

World Health Organization estimate in 2015, that about 1 out of 6 global deaths were as a result of cancer. In Nigeria alone, more than 10,000 cancer deaths and about 250,000 incidences are recorded annually. Repeated studies have confirmed certain foods as likely causes of the terminal disease. ITEM 7 sought the views of Oncologists and here’s a catalogue of some of the foods we eat that are probable causes of cancer and ways to prevent them:
Cancer is a class of diseases with uncontrollable cells growth as one of its main features. Harm is done to the body when this abnormal growth of cells form masses of tissues referred to as tumours, whose activities in turn interfere with certain functions of the body.
Tumours that stay in one spot and demonstrate limited growth are generally considered to be benign.
More dangerous, or malignant, tumours are formed when a cancerous cell move though the body using the blood or lymphatic systems, destroying tissues while at it or manages to divide and grow, making new blood vessels to feed itself in a process called angiogenesis.  
Successive studies have shown over 100 different kinds of cancer exist. Lung, prostate, colorectal, stomach and liver cancer are the most common types of cancer in men, while breast, colorectal, lung, cervix and stomach cancer are the most common among women.
These out-of-control growths are caused mostly by some harmful human activities, chief among it being smoking-whether primary or secondary. Others include alcoholic use, infections, certain food intakes and environmental pollutions.
Now, while not everyone is exposed to other risk factors like pollutions, tobacco and intoxicating drink use, everyone eats and like Oncologists have said some of the food items linked to a wide range of cancers are not only common, but often seem harmless. 
Beneath is a list of some of these innocent-seeming foods and quantity, that if taken may send users to their early grave. Be guided!
Red Meat
Red meat, including beef, lamb, pork and goat has been encouraged over the years, because it contains lots of vitamins and minerals said to be essential for the well being of humans.
Recently, however questions have been raised over its goodness, following studies that suggest eaters stand the risk of contracting cancer and other terminal disease, like kidney failure, heart disease and diverticulitis, when they consume it. 
In October 2015, WHO published a report that claims evidence exist that eating red meat can increase the risk of cancer, because of the carcinogens-substances that causes cancer, the animal muscles contain. The organization arrived at this position after reviewing more than 800 related independent studies.
The types of cancer users are likely to contract include, but are not limited to colorectal, pancreatic, and prostate cancers.
To reduce your risk of cancer, Cancer Council Australia, a national, not-for-profit organization which aims to promote cancer-control policies and reduce the incidence of the disease in that country recommends eating no more than 700 grams (raw weight) of red meat per week.
There is not enough evidence to draw any conclusions on eating poultry and the risk of cancer. However, eating fish may help to reduce the risk of bowel, breast and prostate cancer, Oncologists opine.

Processed meats

Processed meats rank among smoking and exposure to asbestos dusts when talking about likely causes of cancer, WHO says. Whether it is sausages, bacons, hot dogs or hams, the international organization’s report added that those who eat up to 50 grams of them (that is two slices of ham) stand a high risk of having colorectal cancers-abnormal cell growth around the rectum or colon by 18%.
The problem comes not just from the meat itself but from the main methods of processing it, which include smoking, curing, or adding salt or preservatives. When cooking certain meats, sodium nitrites combine with natural amines in the meat to form cancer-causing N-nitroso compounds.
In spite of similar preparation, smoked fish is not as bad as smoked meats, according to Cary Presant, MD, an assistant Clinical Professor in the Department of Medical Oncology & Therapeutics Research at City of Hope Cancer Center in West Covina, California.

Artificial sweeteners

Some health conscious individuals and those nursing certain ailments like diabetes, often resort to taking artificial sweeteners so as to avoid sugar. However, not many of them know other risks they may be exposing themselves to. 
There are numerous studies that show that the chemicals that make up these sweeteners, especially aspartame, break down in the body into a deadly toxin called DKP. When your stomach processes this chemical, it in turn produces chemicals that can cause cancer, especially brain tumors.
Refined Sugar
Like artificial sweetner, refined sugar is not a safer option.
It is a well-known fact that the excess intake of foods containing refined sugar and artificial fructose sweeteners, like high-fructose corn syrup can lead to the development of a wide range of health issues.
In general, this type of foods can quickly raise the levels of insulin and boost cancer cell growth.
In 2006, the American Society for Clinical Nutrition journal published a study suggesting that the participants who consumed higher amounts of sugar-sweetened foods had a greater chance of developing pancreatic cancer than control group.
Additionally, tumors is said to use sugars to feed themselves and increase in size. This unsettling fact was discovered in 1931 by Otto Warburg, a Nobel laureate in medicine.
Warburg discovered that in order to proliferate, cancer cells thrive on fructose-rich sweeteners such as high-fructose corn syrup. HFCS is metabolized by cancer cells more quickly and easily than other sweeteners; check for it on nutrition labels and avoid it.

Soft drinks
Studies have shown that only drinking two sodas per week nearly doubles the risk of pancreatic cancer. There are plenty of alternatives out there, so next time you’re craving something sweet, think about what you’re putting into your body. Your health is an investment, never forget that!

Canned Tomatoes

The lining of almost all canned foods are made with a chemical called bisphenol-A, or BPA. According to Breast Cancer Fund, USA even tiny exposures to BPA can increase the risk of breast cancer, prostate cancer, infertility, early puberty, metabolic disorders and type-2 diabetes, according to the Breast Cancer Fund. However, tomatoes are exceptionally dangerous because of their high acidity, which causes BPA to leach from the lining of the can into the fruit.
Fresh tomatoes remain the best option when cooking, giving the fact that it is even considered to be a cancer fighting food.


Even though calcium is very good for the bones, scientists are discovering a link between high calcium intake and the development of prostate cancer. This is because calcium-rich dairy products can lower your body’s count of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3.
This hormone is known to actively protect men against prostate cancerous cells, so, by lowering your body's natural count; you are raising the chances of the cancer’s development.
In a study conducted by the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, an evident link between high consumption of dairy and calcium products and the development prostate cancer was discovered. Results showed that the men with the highest consumption rates of dairy were more likely to develop prostate cancer than those who consumed less.

Barbecues and Charred meats

For those who like eating grilled or barbecued meats, the abnormally high temperatures used in the process produce cancer-causing heterocyclic aromatic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which are carcinogenic.
However, the evidence in human studies is not clear. It is recommended not to overcook or blacken meat on the barbecue. Marinating meat first prevents foods from charring. As well as keeping potential cancer causing agents down in the meat, marinating also keeps meat tender and adds flavour to your meal.
You can also use gentler cooking methods such as casseroling, boiling or microwave heating rather than high-temperature grilling, pan-frying or barbecuing when cooking meat.
Microwave popcorn
Microwave popcorn is loaded with artificial butter, and the fumes from it contain the toxic compound diacytel that is associated with lung cancers," says Professor Eitan Yefenof, PhD, chairman of the Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research at Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Also known as a "butter bomb," diacytel gives popcorn that distinctive buttery flavor and aroma.

Additionally, the perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) usually found in microwave popcorn bag lining the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has opined is carcinogenic.

Hydrogenated oils

Hydrogenated oils are used to preserve processed foods, to give them an appealing look for a long as possible. The sad truth is that those oils can influence cell membranes’ structure and flexibility, which can lead to cancer.
Some vegetable oils also contain high levels of omega-6 fatty acids, which can cause heart disease and increase the risk of various malignancies, particularly skin cancer. The body needs some omega-6s, but they should be balanced with omega-3s. Some good sources of Omega-3s today are wild salmon, mackerel and grass-fed meats.
When it comes to oil, your best bet is to use heart-healthy olive oil, which is naturally, not chemically, extracted.
Potato Chips
The manufacturing process of potato chips requires very high temperatures. It leads to the creation of acrylamide, which is a popular carcinogen.
The International Journal of Cancer published a study proving that this ingredient found in potato chips increases the possibility of developing breast, prostate, ovarian, and digestive tract cancer.
All of us know that potato chips are loaded with calories and fats that can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and so on. Also, they possess many artificial preservatives and flavors. But, why are you still eating this type of food?
Considering all these findings, you should prepare potato chips at your home by using olive oil, rather than purchasing commercial potato chips. Plus, consider preparing baked banana or apple chips because they are healthier alternatives than potato chips.

Cancer Prevention
A conscious dietary modification is an important approach to cancer control. Try to choose lean cuts of meat or chicken, have more fish and make sure you eat plenty of plant-based foods such as fruit, vegetables and wholegrain cereals.
Also since there are a links between overweight and obesity too many types of cancer such as oesophagus, colorectum, breast, endometrium and kidney, it is also important that we check our weights.
Regular physical activity and the maintenance of a healthy body weight, considerably reduce cancer risk. There are apps you could download from the internet that can help you maintain a good Body Mass Index (BMI) so you do not overdo it.
In addition, healthy eating habits that prevent the development of diet-associated cancers will also lower the risks of other non-communicable diseases.


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